Azure Fundamentals Course 107979F

Posted on February 23, 2019 in Study • Tagged with #azure, #microsoft, #docker, #paas, #iaas, #vm, #powershell, #visualstudio, #aci, #arm, #iac

Notes from Azure Fundamentals Course 107979F

Before the course you can pre install what you need during the course. This includes:

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Using TFS from VSCode

Posted on September 02, 2018 in Develop • Tagged with #vscode, #tfs, #git, #npm, #visualstudio

You might continue a while working with TFS before you jump to GIT.
At least we do that at my work. For frontend projects like Ionic, Angular, Vue, etc using a CLI for generation code templates it makes most sense to to stay in VSCode (opposed to Visual Studio).
So …

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Expand your WCF service with REST

Posted on November 19, 2017 in Develop • Tagged with #wcf, #rest, #swagger, #depencyinjection, #dotnet, #visualstudio, #cors

If you are working with .NET you probably have WCF services.
You might have thought of expanding those WCF services to REST allowing you to make mobile or SPA frontends.
Instead of using ServiceStack or WebApi+Swashbuckle, you can stay in WCF. This have the advantage of a smaller learning …

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Ngx: Template for Visual Studio 2017

Posted on September 24, 2017 in Develop • Tagged with #npm, #ngx, #typescript, #visualstudio, #tfs

At my work all web developers are getting an Angular 4 course. But there are a couple of issues with that.

  • When you work with ngx in Visual Studio code you get a .gitnore file from the Angular CLI to take care of what not to commit to GIT. Since …

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