Vue Storefront installation on Windows Dev box

Posted on May 15, 2018 in DevOps
Updated: June 26, 2020

Vue Storefront will soon be out (june 2018). It is a PWA frontend to the Magento webshop.

I think I'll give it a testdrive.
I am attending a online marketing seminar and workshop presented by Thomas Zacchi (@tzacchi) from intoto digital, so I could use a modern webshop to play with.

Initial thoughts about installation

I think I'll deploy Magento to a cheap PHP webhotel I have and then at another time roll it out as a Docker container.
bitnami/magento/ looks good for test - it proposes a data volume with MariaDB.
Vue Storefront could just as well be served from the same container as Magento.

But hey - I won't need it neither front nor back deployed - I only want to play. Then instead I'll serve it in MiniShift from my PC.

Got a little wiser

In the article "Magento2 - NoSQL database and PWA support" Piotr Karwatka (@piotrkarwatka) explains there is a little more the setup than a Vue frontend and a Magento backend.
There seems to be two chains that works something like

The model of VueFront the data apparently is great for NoSQL storage and querying, which supposedly scales better than the models used in SQL (which the Magento DB uses).
So I guess we for the dev envir again are down to three containers:

  • Vue apps: VueFront, ExpressApiBack, KueWorker, Mage2VueFront
  • Vue storage: Redis, ElasticSearch or MongoDB
  • Magento app, Magento DB

If we for a quick start skip the sync chain, then data can be fetched from magento2-sample-data
Let's see if that is doable.

Installing on Windows


  1. Install Git for Windows - This will install Git Bash
    1. Optional Install cUrl CLI on Windows - This will ensure that you can call a remote end over SSL
  2. Install Docker CE for Windows.
    1. I installed Docker4Win here
    2. Moore info: Running Docker containers on Bash on Windows
  3. If you use VS Code you could install Docker Support for VSCode
  4. Install NVM for Windows, Node.js and Yarn
  5. Install vue-cli
# print installed node versions
nvm list

# At time of writing vue-cli 3 is still in beta, so I choose an old one
#nvm install 8.11.1
nvm use 8.11.1 
npm install -g vue-cli@2.9.3
vue --version
# Test drive
vue list
cd .\your-vue-root\
vue init webpack-simple my-29project
cd my-29project
code . #if you are using VS Code editor
npm install
npm run dev # Opens http://localhost:8080/

# When vue-cli 3 comes out I want to have that cli together with another node version - notice - the cli changed name @npm
#nvm install 10.1.0
nvm use 10.1.0
npm install -g @vue/cli@3.0.0-beta.10
vue --version
# Test drive
cd .\your-vue-root\
vue create my-30project
1. v2.9.3 [vue-cli]( intro
2. v3.0. [@vue/cli]( intro
  1. If you use VSCode you could install Vetur - Vue tooling for VSCode for syntax highlight and snippets
  2. If you use Chrome you need Vue.js devtools for debugging
    1. The devtools has Open in editor button to bring you back to the code. check out What’s new in Vue Devtools 4.0, which also points you to this setup guide

Install Vue Storefront

There are two parts

  • the Express API including a Docker container for the data
  • the Vue frontend


  1. Start Docker VM by double-click on the desktop icon. This takes a while
  2. Install VS API
    From GitBash:
cd .\your-vue-root\
git clone vue-storefront-api
cd vue-storefront-api
# Fetch dependencies
  1. Load you docker VM with containers from docker-compose.yaml
    From CMD prompt:
# login to docker - this did not work from GitBash, but did from CMD
docker login -u yourUseridNotYourEmail -p yourPassword
# Run Docker containers required by vue-storefront-api. This can take a while ...
docker-compose up
# this CMD promt won't return the promt. It is probably a Daemon now, so switch back to GitBash
  1. Load the Docker data containers with data
    From GitBash:
# Verify that the containers are running
docker network ls
# Open browser for Elastic Search (es1) container
start http://localhost:9200/
# Restore products database (yarn restore) and run latest migrations (yarn migrate)
yarn restore
yarn migrate
  1. Copy config/default.json to config/local.json
  2. Add ..vscode\launch.json to the project
  3. Edit package.json - change:
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nodemon -w src --exec \"babel-node src --presets es2015,stage-0\"",

to (add --inspect)

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nodemon --inspect -w src --exec \"babel-node src --presets es2015,stage-0\"",
  1. Run API using yarn dev
  2. Verify API is running
    start http://localhost:8080/api/
    Response: {"version":"0.1.0"}
  3. Debug the API from VSCode by setting breakpoints and press play Attach on the Debug tab.

VS Frontend

  1. Install VS API
    From GitBash 2:
cd .\your-vue-root\
git clone vue-storefront
cd vue-storefront
# Fetch dependencies
yarn install
  1. Copy config/default.json to config/local.json
  2. Images: because vue-storefront-api uses imagemagick and some nodejs cmdline bindings it can be dificult to run the image proxy on localhost/windows machine. Please point out the vue-storefront to image proxy provided by changing config/local.json images.baseUrl:
export default {
  elasticsearch: {
    httpAuth: '',
    host: 'localhost:8080/api/catalog',
    index: 'vue_storefront_catalog'
  // we have vue-storefront-api ( endpoints below:
  orders: {
    endpoint: 'localhost:8080/api/order/create'
  images: {
    baseUrl: ''
  1. Run Vue Storefront Server using yarn dev
  2. Verify Fronteend is running
    start http://localhost:3000/

You will see a PWA webshop Vue Storefront

The shop is reponsive
Vue Storefront

And images resizes to small, when devices are very small
Vue Storefront

Turn off Vue Storefront

  1. Frontend - in GitBash-2 is just a PWA server - there is nothing to save - just X it
  2. API - in GitBash-1 is just an API server - there is nothing to save - just X it
  3. Now what about the CMD and the VM? You need to tell the containers in the VM to close down and then close down the VM.
    • Start a new GitBash-3
# Verify containers are there
docker container ls


CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                              NAMES
fcd38fe4910e   kibana:5.5          "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>5601/tcp             vue-storefront-api_kibana_1
070f93cc3a08   redis               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>6379/tcp             vue-storefront-api_redis_1
a3fec0cc4f2b   elasticsearch:5.5   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours   9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                 vue-storefront-api_es2_1
56caf26862c4   elasticsearch:5.5   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp   es1

Hmm - this is part of the ELK Stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and the Redis needed for sync with Magento is also there, so perhaps it is ready to connect to a real Magento installation.

cd .\your-vue-root\
cd vue-storefront-api
# Turn off the containers
docker-compose stop


Stopping vue-storefront-api_kibana_1 ... done
Stopping vue-storefront-api_redis_1  ... done
Stopping vue-storefront-api_es2_1    ... done
Stopping es1                         ... done

The CMD promt will display this, so you can close it.

redis_1   | 1:signal-handler (1526416098) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown...
redis_1   | 1:M 15 May 20:28:18.957 # User requested shutdown...
redis_1   | 1:M 15 May 20:28:19.142 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
es2_1     | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,274][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [J8Lto-u] stopping ...
es1       | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,271][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [sH31WJW] stopping ...
redis_1   | 1:M 15 May 20:28:19.306 * DB saved on disk
redis_1   | 1:M 15 May 20:28:19.306 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
es1       | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,444][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [sH31WJW] stopped
es1       | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,444][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [sH31WJW] closing ...
es2_1     | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,473][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [J8Lto-u] stopped
es2_1     | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,473][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [J8Lto-u] closing ...
es1       | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,509][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [sH31WJW] closed
es2_1     | [2018-05-15T20:28:19,509][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [J8Lto-u] closed
vue-storefront-api_es2_1 exited with code 143
vue-storefront-api_redis_1 exited with code 0
vue-storefront-api_kibana_1 exited with code 143
es1 exited with code 143
  1. Optionally Close Docker from the taskbar-notification-icon: Select Quit

Startup scripts

I've created three scripts that does the above startup.
You can put them in \your-vue-root\ and just double-click on them to start up VueStorefront. They are:

  • vsapi1.bat


  • You must set Git Bash to open extension .sh for this to work
  • You must start them in above order and wait patiently for each part to start before you continue with the next script

Whats next?

  • You can customize your frontend theme and change the behavior (code)
  • You can install Magento at some host and configure your shop to go towards it
  • You can deploy your shop


Vue Storefront

4 - Vue Storefront - People

1 - Vue Storefront - Events

2 - Vue Storefront - Github issues

3 - Vue Storefront - Learn


Vue Libs

Vue - Learn



The End