Welcome to my Pelican blog on Github pages
Posted on September 23, 2017 in Study Updated: September 30, 2017
Hi there.
I have moved. Previously I was living on https://rasor.wordpress.com/.
Reason for move
- I wanted Mardown markup
- I wanted better syntax highligting for code
Pro and Cons compared to Wordpress
- I got an easier way of editing categories and tags
- Categories: In your content folder you create a subfolder for each tag and you store your .md file in there.
- Tags: You just write them inside your .md
- You own your content and have a local copy of it
- Your content is very easy to move to somehwere else, since you have a local copy on your PC
- Updates to a blog has its own field e.g. Modified: 2017-09-24 09:00
- If you have a blog series then it is much easier to add the list of articles in top of all articles inclused, since they are all on your PC and will all be republished
- An importer exists
- You can customize a theme for your own needs - it is not much hazzle
- No central editing of tags - well that is a releaf, because it was cumbersome to add one, when you in the middle of editing in Wordpress
- No img size editing tool
- You need to be used to work with GIT and a command promt
- Preview of markup is only instantly, if your editor supports it. Same goes for WYSIWIG editor.
- Setting up to be published in GitHupPages was not described well, so I had to create a procedure myself. I am quite pleased with the workflow now. Not too much hazzle, when you are working with code and a terminal anyway.
- Making links open in a new window with {:target="_blank"} really needs a snippet.
The end